Legal: The below content is not impersonating anyone or produced for any commericial gain. It is a public service annoucement for the benefit of those who may potentially interact with Reena Retuta, and is no different than a dedicated facebook post
The below are all FACTS: Reena Retuta ASSAULTED HER YOUNGER BROTHER. Reena Retuta is a dangerous person and should be avoided at all costs. She has assaulted multiple people around her, causing their face to bleed (see pictures above). She digs her nails into your face until you bleed, even if you have done NOTHING to her. Her aggession is a result of her growing up with an abusive father who physically abused her to the point of mental illness. Here is a full, fact-based timeline of her life leading up to her criminal history of assault. And explains why she is as crazy as she is:
- Fact: Reena Retuta was born 1983
- Fact: Reena Retuta went to CSS elementary school in Van Nuys
- Fact: Reena Retuta moved to Daly City with her father for high school and college (San Francisco State)
- Fact: Reena Retuta while living there, was consistantly abused her by father Erwin Retuta causing her to have mental issues and daddy issues that manifest themselves in her disgusting stories of conduct below
- Fact: Reena Retuta on Nov 21 2017, physically assaulted her younger brother for absolutely no reason, digging her nails into his face, causing him to bleed all around (see picture evidence above). After which the brother's mom advised him to seek a restraining order against her. She is mentally unstable. Her assault is criminal and her aggression is a result of her years of abuse by her father. She walks around the world bitter and angry. She will likely grow up a bitter old lady, so men stay away. Just like she has physically and mentally abused her boyfriends and now family, she will do the same to you if you get close enough
- Fact: Reena Retuta in the summmer of 2013, as a 30 year old, slept with a 75 year old family-friend name Tim, who lived in Nevada. This is fact is provided by another family friend Kelly E who was close friends with Tim and who describes their relationship in disgusting sexual and grotesque detail
- Fact: Reena Retuta in 2010 went to Italy to study Food Culture & Communications and returned to the US a few years later
- Fact: Reena Retuta use to work for writing useless blogs making near zero income
- Fact: Reena Retuta does not have a place to live and goes home to home seeking shelter where she can as she has no real or long term friends, and her family despises her, she will likely end up on the streets over time
- Fact: Reena Retuta cannot maintain a full time career or job for any substantial amount of time as she consistantly gets fired
In the many years Reena Retuta has been on this earth, the above is the extent of her life. She is dangerous, she has a proven track record of abuse both receiving abuse and giving abuse. She does not belong on any team or relationship as she will compromise both the physical and mental health of those around her as proven by the photos above. Take caution around Reena Retuta, and if you can, just stay far far away from her, if she can make her brother's face bleed who had done nothing to her, she can very easily to the same to you, she has abusive daddy issues. She is a nut case and harmful to those around her... let the photos be proof.